Saturday, June 9, 2012

Archeological Place: Mankalir Kunda Dhap

Mankalir Kunda Dhap a small conical mound, is located about 100 yards north of the Khodai Pathar mound within the citadel area of mahasthangarh (in Bogra District). The mound overlooks a deep tank on the west. Alluding to a curious local legend, Cunningham connected the name of the mound with Raja Man Sing. Others thought that the mound derives its name from the Muslim Mankhalis of Ghoraghat, who were very powerful during the rule of the independent sultans of Bengal. Others speculate that the mound assumed its name from the Jaina apostle Goshala, also known as Mamkhali or Mamkhaliputta.

Whatever may be the origins of the name, the mound have revealed some very significant archaeological remains such as: carved bricks, mouldings of cornice, amalaka pieces of temple, a dozen square terracotta altorelievos depicting various animal and floral motifs, a small pilaster, two bronze images of Ganesha and Garuda, a Jaina stone image, a fragmentary blue stone pedestal bearing an inscription in Nagari character reading nagrahara. The finds suggest the existence of a Hindu temple at the site, possibly of the Pala period.

Excavations at the site in 1965-66 exposed the foundation of a 15-domed Sultani period mosque built on the ruins of a temple.